Developing Effective GDOT Research Need Statements

On September 10th , 2020, Supriya Kamatkar, Assistant Office Head Research Section Chief of the Office of Performance-based Management and Research held a webinar “Developing Effective GDOT Research Needs Statements”. Potential RNS submitters are highly encouraged to review this webinar. Developing an effective Research Need Statement (RNS) is critical to successfully undertaking research with GDOT. An RNS is the basic means of initiating a GDOT research project and is required for all research supported through the core GDOT research program. An RNS also represents the basic means of communicating a research need to GDOT technical staff, decision-makers, and sponsoring offices and should be written with all of these groups in mind. An RNS must contain clear statements of need, approach, benefits, and implementation potential.

YouTube link: Developing Effective GDOT Research Needs Statement Webinar

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