Join us for a seminar by Eric A. Morris, Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning at Clemson University.
Eric’s primary focus is transportation, particularly how transportation contributes to our quality of life. His current research focuses on transportation and happiness; transportation, time use, and activity patterns; and transportation and access to employment, shopping, food, and medical care. He has a strong interest in transportation equity and disadvantaged populations. He also conducts research in the field of transportation history, and is currently co-authoring a book on the development and financing of the freeway system. Other interests include transportation and land use, transportation finance and economics, transportation policy, and transportation and the environment. He wrote a column on transportation for the New York Times for several years, and now is a regular contributor to the Freakonomics website. He was also the Associate Editor of Access magazine. Before returning to academia he worked as a travel writer, a sports writer, and a television writer and producer.
Click here for a campus map with directions to the Mason building.
Date and time:
Thursday, October 23, 2014 – 11:00 to 12:00
Location of Event:
Mason Building, Room 1133
Event Type: