“Transportation in Context – In Time and Space”

ABSTRACT: Transportation is key to the economic prosperity and quality of life of a nation.  As the times and circumstances change, transportation and the professions that deliver transportation infrastructure and mobility services have evolved to meet specific requirements.  And always will.  The question is how far will such professional change lag?  Or can it lead?  With a mostly completed and aging surface transportation network, the country is also facing enormous transformational technologies in the transportation field; e.g., electric vehicles, self-driving cars and shared mobility (TNC’s).  Universities are critical to preparing the workforce of tomorrow for the realities of transportation in the future.

BIO:  Mr. King W. Gee is the Director of Engineering and Technical Services for the American Association of State Highway And Transportation Officials (AASHTO), a non-profit, non-partisan association which advocates transportation-related policies and provides technical services to support states in their efforts to efficiently and safely move people and goods. He oversees the development of technical publications and standards for roads and bridges; the development and management of technical services and products (like AASHTOWare and the AASHTO Accreditation Program); the implementation of products from the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2); and the development of transportation policy and legislative proposals.  Mr. Gee oversees AASHTO’s engagement on connected and autonomous vehicles and transformational technologies from a technical and policy perspective.  Previously, Mr. Gee had a 35 year career with the Federal Highway Administration.

To see the video from the transportation seminar click on the links below: 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Date and time: 

Thursday, February 1, 2018 – 10:45 to 11:45

Location of Event: 

Mason BLDG 1133

Event Type: 
