“Sustainability, Resilience and Equity Relationships in Capital Asset Management: Implications for Creating Smart Cities and Regions”

ABSTRACT: In the transportation and other built environment literature and practice, sustainable development planning and analytical frameworks have focused heavily on the triple bottom line (the economy, natural environment and social equity), with relatively less attention paid to social equity. There are outstanding questions as to whether and when simultaneous economic advancement and social equity development is possible, when they are mutually reinforcing or exclusive, and how their integrated or independent treatment in decision making affects regional prosperity and resilience. In particular, with the growing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, it is increasingly important and urgent to investigate the relationship between resilience and sustained regional prosperity.  This talk elaborates on a capital assets conceptual and analytical framework toward characterizing these relationships.  It discusses preliminary findings from portfolio capital studies on transportation systems, institutional arrangements and socioeconomic conditions in selected countries, and identifies directions in research, practice and education to create sustainable, resilient and prosperous cities and regions.

BIO: Adjo Amekudzi-Kennedy is Professor and Associate Chair of Global Engineering Leadership & Research Development at the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  Her research and teaching interests are in Transportation/ Infrastructure Asset Management, Transportation Planning, Sustainability Modeling and Engineering Leadership Development. Kennedy is co-author of the textbook: Systems Engineering with Economics, Probability, and Statistics (2012), with authored peer-reviewed publications contributing predominantly to advancing infrastructure/asset management for sustainable development.  She is the Founding Chair of the Committee on Sustainability and the Environment (American Society of Civil Engineers), Founding Co-Director of the Global Engineering Leadership Minor (Georgia Institute of Technology), and serves on the Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (U.S. National Research Council).

To see the video from the transportation seminar click on the links below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Date and time: 

Thursday, April 5, 2018 – 10:45 to 11:45

Location of Event: 


Event Type: 
