“An Overview of Work Zone Crash Severity Trends and Work Zone Planning to Minimize Secondary Crashes”
ABSTRACT: Highway work zones present an environment that leads to opportunities for traffic crashes that may not otherwise occur. As transportation agencies continue to increase their focus on system maintenance and preservation, it is critical that the factors influencing work zone crash trends and patterns are well-understood so that proactive measures can be taken to improve the safety of road users and workers. An introduction to work zone crash trends and temporary traffic control practices will provide background for the presentation. The results of a study of crash patterns and severity trends in work zones will then be presented along with comparisons in trends between work zone crashes and crashes overall. An ongoing research effort to model the capacity of freeway work zone lane closures from a stochastic perspective will then be described. This study will lead to development of a decision support tool that transportation agencies can use to evaluate the risk of queue formation (and associated secondary crashes) upstream of freeway lane closures and plan work zone activities accordingly.
BIO: Rod E. Turochy is the James M. Hunnicutt Professor of Traffic Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at Auburn University, where he has been on the faculty since 2002. He earned bachelors and master’s degrees at Virginia Tech and a Ph.D. at the University of Virginia, all in civil engineering. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, he worked as a transportation engineer for the Virginia DOT with oversight for work zone safety in VDOT’s Salem District. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Alabama and Virginia. He currently teaches courses in traffic engineering and roadway design and most of his current research is in work zone traffic operations and safety. His professional service activities have primarily been with TRB, ASEE, and ITE, including recently completing the set of officer positions in the Alabama Section of ITE and serving as faculty advisor to the Auburn University ITE Student Chapter.
To see the video from the transportation seminar click on the links below
Part 1: https://youtu.be/rYC6OT2dMyI
Part 2: https://youtu.be/YP4buN-5IRE
Part 3: https://youtu.be/teK7f0TgXwA
Date and time:
Thursday, September 13, 2018 – 10:45 to 11:45
Location of Event:
Mason Bldg 1133
Event Type: