Georgia Transportation Institute welcomed State Traffic Engineer Andrew Heath to speak as part of the Transportation Speaker Series. The presentation provided a discussion and details to the approach taken by the Georgia Department of Transportation, City of Atlanta, Atlanta Police, the Super Host Committee, the NFL, and other stakeholders in managing traffic throughout the 10-day super bowl event. The discussion focused on the evolution and growth of transportation management technology within the Metro Atlanta region and the Downtown Core as guided by multiple significant events and milestones over recent history including the I-85 bridge collapse, the Braves relocation to Suntrust Park, the College Football National Championship, and ultimately Super Bowl LIII.

If you missed the presentation or want to rewatch or share it, the YouTube links are provided below.
Part One of Three:
Part Two of Three:
Part Three of Three:
Date and time:
Thursday, March 28, 2019 – 22:50 to 23:50
Location of Event:
Mason 1133
Event Type: