Georgia Transportation Institute welcomed Frederick R. Dickerson Chair and Professor Dr. Srinivas Peeta to speak as part of the Transportation Speaker Series. Cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) strategies being proposed for platoon formation in the connected autonomous vehicle context assume idealized fixed information flow topologies (IFTs) for the platoon, implying guaranteed vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. In reality, V2V communications are unreliable because of communication-related constraints such as interference and information congestion. Since CACC strategies entail continuous information broadcasting, communication failures can occur in congested traffic networks, leading to a platoon’s IFT varying dynamically. To explicitly factor IFT dynamics and leverage it to enhance the performance of CACC strategies, this study proposes to dynamically optimize the IFT for CACC, labeled the CACC-OIFT strategy. Under it, platoon vehicles cooperatively determine in real-time which vehicles will dynamically deactivate or activate the “send” functionality of their V2V devices to generate IFTs that optimize platoon performance in terms of string stability. CACC-OIFT consists of an IFT optimization model and an adaptive Proportional-Derivative controller. Results from numerical experiments indicate that CACC-OIFT can significantly enhance string stability of platoon control in an unreliable V2V communication context, outperforming CACCs with fixed IFTs or with passive adaptive schemes for IFT dynamics.
If you missed the presentation or want to rewatch or share it, the YouTube links are provided below.
Part One of Three:
Part Two of Three:
Part Three of Three: