The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Joel Leisch to speak at the Fall 2019 Transportation Speaker series. He has engaged in transportation and traffic engineering with an emphasis on conceptual planning, functional design, geometric design, and traffic operational studies for urban freeway corridors and other high type urban facilities for more than 50 years. He has been responsible for the planning and design studies of more than 2,000 miles (3,000km) of freeways, toll facilities, and arterials including more than 900 interchanges and 2,000 intersections and roundabouts in major metropolitan areas in 28 states and five foreign countries. During the past 15 years a number of these projects have incorporated high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities, managed (HOT) lanes, surveillance, and control, and integration with public transportation (BRT or rail) in environmentally and socially sensitive areas.
Mr. Leisch has conducted professional education training seminars, workshops, and programs in highway and traffic planning and design, freeway and interchange planning and design, and intersection and roundabout planning, design and operational analysis for State DOT’s and consultants throughout the USA, and in Canada, Denmark, Japan, Greece, Russia, Ghana and Israel. He was a visiting lecturer at the Northwestern University Traffic Institute, Purdue University, Penn State University, Georgia Tech, U. of Texas, Texas A&M, University of Idaho, North Carolina State University and the University of California.
If you missed the presentation or want to rewatch or share it, the YouTube link is provided below.
YouTube link: