Thursday May 11th, 2023 the Georgia Transportation Institute will hosted a 1-hour webinar that spotlighted two recently completed GDOT Research projects. Each project had maximum of a 15-minute presentation, with a short time afterward for questions.
You can join the event by using the Microsoft Teams link below:

Presenter: Michael Hunter, Ph.D., Professor
Director of the Georgia Transportation Institute
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Hunter is a Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Hunter joined the faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the 2003. Dr. Hunter has been highly active in research, teaching, and service and has been principal investigator of sponsored research, for a variety of sponsors including local, state, federal, and industry. Dr. Hunter has led two significant transportation research centers, the Georgia Transportation Institute (GTI, 2012 to present) and the National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (NCTSPM, 2012 to 2017). Dr. Hunter is actively researching smart cities, connected vehicles and infrastructure, and disruptive technologies within the transportation systems context.
Title: RP 18-33 VISSIM Simulation Guidance
Where analytical tools such as the Highway Capacity Software™ (HCS), SYNCHRO®, etc. do not adequately represent traffic operations within a study area, or do not provide the necessary performance metric(s) required for the analysis, detailed simulation or similar approaches may be required. In such cases, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) typically employs PTV VISSIM™ as the preferred transportation modeling tool. This project has developed guidance material that enhances GDOT’s ability to review and utilize VISSIM™ models.
To aid in the development of the necessary skills for VISSIM™ model review, a series of eight modules has been developed. The first four modules provide a basic introduction to arterial corridor and freeway model development, walking the reader step-by-step through the development of a small model containing unsignalized and signalized (fixed-time and actuated) control and a freeway segment and diamond interchange. The final four modules cover broader modeling issues, such as working with VISSIM™ results and direct output; underlying VISSIM™ model parameters and distributions; alternative model layouts and features; verification, calibration, and validation; and other issues critical to a thorough model review. These four modules culminate with reviewer checklists. After completion of all eight modules the GDOT reviewer will have been exposed to the knowledge and skills necessary to review and utilize a VISSIM™ model.
Presenter: Stephan Durham, Ph.D., P.E., Professor
Assistant Dean for Student Success & Outreach
The University of Georgia
Dr. Durham and his students discuss solutions to problems of urbanization, civil engineering innovations and engineering failures. They even build bridges out of spaghetti and glue.
Title: RP 20-16 Development of Training Modules to Increase Usage and Understanding of Agency-Wide Software Programs
The research objective is to develop a training program to assist Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) staff in learning and fully implementing agency-wide software programs. Specifically, this project will create online training modules for at least three programs: ProjectWise, Bluebeam, and CATS. The training program will be modelled after a successful on-going effort (RP17-18) to develop online learning modules for pavement design (AASHTOWare PavementME Software) for the Office of Materials and Testing (a sample video can be viewed at 2.mp4?dl=0). The online module development will utilize Adobe Captivate as the software for creating the eLearning content. Once developed, the modules are expected to optimize and balance work/training hours to allow employees to successfully use these software programs. Another objective conducted in parallel with the training modules development is to update the GDOT Construction Manual to include direction on the organization of content within and use of ProjectWise. This content is absent from the current Construction Manual.
Presenter: Rodger Purcell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Georgia Southern University
Dr. Roger Purcell is affiliated to Civil Engineering and Construction Management, Georgia Southern University, where Dr. Roger Purcell is currently working as Assistant Professor. Dr. Purcell has authored and co-authored several national and international publications and also working as a reviewer for reputed professional journals. He has active association with different societies and academies around the world. He has Purcell made his mark in the scientific community with the contributions and widely recognition from honorable subject experts around the world and has received several awards for the contributions to the scientific community. His major research interest involves Civil Engineering and Construction Management.
Title: GDOT RP 18-10 Meeting the 21st Century Surveying- Geomatics Education Needs of GDOT and Georgia
This research project establishes ways to serve the surveying–geomatics (S-G) education needs of place-bound students, such as Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) personnel and others. It addresses the need for personnel with a 21st century education (knowledge and skills) in surveying–geomatics. Many factors, including lack of traditional student interest, lack of student preparedness, retirement-replacement issues, ever expanding technology and education materials, and post-recession demand, have forced the Georgia S–G community to recognize the need for an alternative approach to surveying–geomatics education.
Thus, this study proposes a viable solution to the lack of S–G education availability and focuses on ways to foster Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) licensure, as well as improvements in salary and benefits for educated/licensed surveyors. The study also included the administration of a detailed survey based on matrix analysis of S-G knowledge/skill expectations, S-G position characterization, and S-G education subject area coverage. The results of the survey were analyzed to support the understanding of the breadth and depth of the 21st century S–G education among the Georgia S–G community
Date and time:
Thursday, May 11, 2023 – 11:00 to 12:00
Location of Event:
Microsoft Teams
Event Type: