PI: Susan Burns
Co-PI(s): Dr. Susan Burns
Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) used for stormwater quantity and quality control. Three field sites were tested to quantify hydraulic conductivity, infiltration, and solids removal efficiency. Removal efficiencies ranged from 12% to 35% of infiltrated runoff for VFS ranging from 15 ft. to 75 ft. long with slopes varying from 2% to 6%. For suspended solids removal, the VFS has the potential to remove between 21% and 43% when their design lengths range from 15 ft. to 75 ft long with slopes varying from 2% to 6%. It is recommended that partial credit be given for solids removal in filter strips that are shorter than the required 15 feet, and that filter strip designs incorporate the shallow grassed highway shoulder.

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