Project Description:
This project will develop a focused body of knowledge and tools, including a data-and-expert-knowledge-driven approach for addressing a multi-scalar issue involved in performance-based planning at multiple levels of decision making: namely, how to achieve broader national and statewide objectives while taking into consideration regional and local priorities and constraints. The project will apply a multi-methodology analysis to evaluate transportation system health metrics for selected jurisdictions and regions in the state of Georgia and selected states to tell a more comprehensive story about the cumulative impacts of investments at the statewide, metropolitan and local jurisdiction levels, as a basis for determining targets using both quantitative data and expert knowledge in a manner that considers local and metropolitan priorities while aiming to achieve statewide and national priorities.
- Transportation System Health Analysis (TSHA): A Corridor-level Study of Georgia’s State Routes (September 2014)
- A Conceptual Framework for Transportation System Health (September 2014)
- Transportation System Health: Meeting Deficiency Needs and Growth Aspriations Systematically – Concepts, Applications, Significance (September 2015)
Conference Presentations:
- “Transportation System Health Analysis: A Corridor-Level Study of Georgia’s State Routes” , presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Poster Session in Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.
- “A Conceptual Framework for Transportation System Health”, presented at the Second Annual GDOT/GTI Transportation Research Poster Session in Atlanta, Georgia, September 24, 2014.
- “Managing Transportation System Health: Setting Performance Targets and Policies in Non-Uniform Jursdictions to Achieve Uniform Statewide and National Objectives”, presented at the University Transportation Center (UTC) Conference for the Southeastern Region in Atlanta, Georgia, March 24-25, 2014.