Project Description:
To (1) perform data collection and analytical efforts that support the regional conversion of HOV lanes into high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, and (2) assess the impacts of HOT conversion on the I-85 corridor.
- Analysis of Variables that Affect HOT Speeds on I-85 Express Lanes in Atlanta Analysis of Variables that Affect HOT Speeds on I-85 Express Lanes in Atlanta (September 2013)
- Emissions Impact of HOV to HOT Lane Conversions in I-85, Atlanta (September 2014)
- High-Occupancy Toll Lane Decision Making: Income Effects on Atlanta’s I-85 Express Lanes (September 2015)
- HOV-to-HOT Conversion Socieoeconomic Impact Assessment: Atlanta I-85 HOV-to-HOT Conversion (September 2014)
- “I-85 HOV to HOT Carpool Survey Results“, presented at the 2015 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Birmingham, Alabama, March 26-27, 2015.
- Pricing Impact on Users: Socioeconomic Study on I-85 HOV2 to HOT3 Conversion (September 2013)
- The I-85 HOT Lane’s Impact on Atlanta’s Commuter Bus and Vanpool Occupancy (September 2013)
Georgia Institute of Technology