The Principle Investigator (PI) is responsible for all phases of the research project, including technical and administrative matters, and should communicate frequently with the GDOT Project Manager and other GDOT personnel monitoring the project.
The following is a list of specific suggestions for good project management of GDOT projects:
- The PI is responsible for keeping the minutes of all project meetings. The minutes should include a list of topics discussed, action items, and task assignments, and be distributed within two weeks of the meeting.
- All significant communication with GDOT regarding project status, scope, budget, schedule, or contractual issues should be in writing. Phone conversations should be followed up with a letter or e-mail message.
- Quarterly Progress Reports Guidelines should be submitted using the format approved by GDOT and posted on this website. Progress reports should include in part a summary of the percent of time and budget expended to date, describe any anticipated problems and suggested courses of action, and document any changes in project scope and/or deliverables.
- Requests for time and/or cost extensions must be submitted to GDOT in writing through the university contracting office.
- All reports should be prepared in accordance with GDOT’s Research Report Guidelines. The report should be carefully checked for spelling and grammatical errors, correct page and section numbering, and appropriate formatting. Reports that are not prepared according to GDOT guidelines and not carefully edited will be returned to the submitter(s).
Note 1: GDOT and the affiliate contracting units have a Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA), that contains contract (i.e. Task Order) language and information essential to good project management. PIs are responsible for confirming the affiliate’s BOA requirements.
Note 2: All expenditures under a research project upon the completion of the project are subject to audit and verification by GDOT. The PI is responsible for all expenditures made under the project.