The Georgia Transportation Institute (GTI) was established in 1998 to coordinate and act as a focal point for transportation research in the state of Georgia. The lead institution, Georgia Institute of Technology, is affiliated with other members, including Albany State University, Clark Atlanta University, Emory University, Georgia Southern University, Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, Mercer University, Savannah State University, the University of West Georgia, and The University of Georgia. Researchers affiliated with GTI are active in research on a broad range of topics, including policy and planning, environmental issues, transportation technology, transportation infrastructure, and traffic operations.
The objectives of GTI include the following:
GTI has a wide range of expertise in research, education, and training. The Center fosters communication and coordination between the State’s universities, transportation agencies, and transportation-related industry, and promotes the development of ideas and people. It serves as a conduit for developing and exchanging research needs and ideas with external groups, including government transportation agencies and the transportation industry.
The State of Georgia should be a model for developing coordinated transportation research and education programs involving the diverse capabilities of the state's public and private universities; federal, state and local agencies; and private industry.
Many states have strong transportation research and education programs that involve coordinated efforts between the state's universities and the department of transportation. These efforts help meet the future transportation needs of the state and nation and foster an environment that helps to attract additional research funding to the state. The State of Georgia has the resources in its universities, state transportation agencies, and private industry to allow Georgia to be a model for transportation research and education programs.
The Georgia Transportation Institute fosters communication and coordination between the State's universities, transportation agencies, and transportation-related industry and promotes the development of ideas and people that will place Georgia at the forefront of transportation research.
The Georgia Transportation Institute serves as the forum for communication and coordination between Georgia's universities, which have diverse transportation research and education programs that reflect each university's mission. GTI will serve as a conduit for developing and exchanging research needs and ideas with external groups, including government transportation agencies and the transportation industry.
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