Approved Fall 2021 RTAG RNS submittals

The Georgia Department of Transportation has released the list of projects selected from the Fall 2021 RTAG submittals. Congratulations to the selected projects! Thanks to everyone who submitted a Research Needs Statement (RNS). The research community was highly engaged, with approximately 78 submitted needs statements. GDOT research staff is currently contacting the project PIs and setting up the next steps in the process.

The opening of the Fall 2022 RTAG RNS call will be announced later this year. Announcements will be distributed through the GTI mailing list and GTI website.

Please feel free to contact Supriya Kamatkar( if you have any questions regarding the project selection process or Michael Hunter ( if you have any questions regarding GTI.


Project Title (Abbreviated)

Research Team


Nondestructive/Noncontact Inspection Protocols and Technologies for Aging Mechanically Stabilized Earth and Modular Block Retaining Walls

Georgia Southern University


Structural Monitoring of Steel-Member Bridges with Fatigue Life Prognosis due to Dynamic Vehicular Loads

Georgia Institute of Technology


Remote Bridge Health Monitoring for Scouring Using Cost-Efficient Sensing Technology

Kennesaw State University and University of Georgia


Quality Manual for Steel Bridge Fabrication

Georgia Institute of Technology


Phase III: Investigation and Guidelines for Best Practices of Thermal Control for Mass Concrete Construction Projects

Georgia Institute of Technology


A Scheduling Assistant Toolkit for GDOT’s Effective Planning of Transportation Project

Georgia Institute of Technology and Clemson University


Rebalancing Contracting Terms to Ensure Success for the GDOT’s Alternative Delivery Projects and Better Reflect Real-Time Market Conditions

Georgia Institute of Technology


Post-let Environmental Analysis and Permitting for Alternative Delivery Projects

Georgia Institute of Technology


A Playbook for CM@Risk Adoption in Transportation Projects

Georgia Institute of Technology


VISSIM Simulation Calibration Procedure

Georgia Institute of Technology


Development of Safety Performance Functions for Urban and Suburban Multilane Highways in Georgia

University of Georgia and University of Alabama


5.9 GHz Interference Resiliency for Connected Vehicle Infrastructure

Kennesaw State University

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