Approved Fall 2022 RTAG RNS submittals

The Georgia Department of Transportation has released the list of projects selected from the Fall 2022 RTAG submittals. Congratulations to the selected projects! Thanks to everyone who submitted a Research Needs Statement (RNS). The research community was highly engaged, with approximately 96 submitted needs statements. GDOT research staff is currently contacting the project PIs and setting up the next steps in the process.

The opening of the Fall 2023 RTAG RNS call will be announced later this year. Announcements will be distributed through the GTI mailing list and GTI website.

Please feel free to contact Supriya Kamatkar( if you have any questions regarding the project selection process or Michael Hunter ( if you have any questions regarding GTI.



Project Title (Abbreviated)

Research Team


Ensuring Fair and Equitable Funding of Rural Transit in Georgia after the 2020 Census

Georgia Institute of Technology


Developing sight distance guidelines for U-turn maneuvers

Georgia Institute of Technology


Development of an ML-based Georgia Pavement Structural Condition Evaluation System

Georgia Institute of Technology


A Decision-Making Guide to Explore the Benefits of Design-Build-Maintain (DBM) and Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM) Alternative Delivery Systems to Assist GDOT in Anticipation of Emerging Technologies Deployed in GDOT's Network

Georgia Institute of Technology


A Decision-Making Guide to Consider the Implementation of Progressive Public-Private Partnership (Progressive P3) for Delivering GDOT’s Major Projects

Georgia Institute of Technology


Investigate the impact of rumble strips on motorcyclists

Georgia Institute of Technology


Geotechnical asset management program in the State of Georgia – Phase I

Georgia Institute of Technology


Updating the GDOT’s Risk-based Programmed Contingencies Through Development of a Data-Driven Decision Tree Model

Georgia Institute of Technology & Kennesaw State University


Repair Guidelines for Impact-damaged Bridges

Georgia Institute of Technology & Kennesaw State University


Roadway Runoff Impacts to Trout Streams Studies for MS4 Permit

Georgia Southern University


Evaluation and Monitoring of an Appropriate and Context-Sensitive Warning System for Bridge Overhead Clearance Detection

Georgia Southern University


Develop Localized LRFD Procedure for Driven Piles with Dynamic Analysis for Georgia Bridge Foundations

Georgia Southern University


Fast and Efficient Welding Inspection of Structural Steel Using Adaptive Phased Array Ultrasonic NDT

Georgia Southern University


Effectiveness of Automated Speed Enforcement in School Zones and Guidance for Continuous Usage in Georgia

Kennesaw State University


Advanced 5.9GHz Interference Resiliency for Connected Vehicle Infrastructure

Kennesaw State University


Sustainable Application of Quarry By-Products in Georgia

Savannah State University & Kennesaw State University


Coastal Flood Roadway Vulnerability Assessment

University of Georgia


Develop an Off-System Bridge Managers Training Program to Increase Collaboration and Access to GDOT's Resources Including LIBP and Promote Best Practices

University of Georgia


Investigation of heavier-than-expected vehicle weights observed in the vicinity of the Savannah port area and their impact on Georgia’s pavements and bridges

University of Georgia


Measurement of cement content and layer thickness variation of cement stabilized base and subgrade using ground penetrating radar

University of Georgia & Texas A&M University


Safety Effectiveness of Inside Shoulder Widths on Freeways in Georgia

University of Georgia & University of Alabama

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