Poster 14-06

An Enhanced GDOT Pavement Preservation Guide with Optimal Timing of Pavement Preservation

PI: James (Yichang) Tsai


Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


The experienced pavement experts in the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) possess a great amount of tacit knowledge regarding pavement preservation, but before those experts retire, there is an urgent need to collect and document their knowledge. In addition, other state DOTs? experience and knowledge of pavement preservation techniques and their treatment criteria and performance need to be studied. As GDOT increases the number of its pavement preservation outsourcing projects, a pavement preservation guide containing comprehensive and consistent information about project selection, specification, material selection, construction procedure, and QA/QC is essential and is urgently needed for GDOT to perform cost-effective pavement maintenance (right treatment, right time, and right location) and achieve the best pavement performance for the least amount of money while meeting MAP-21?s requirements. This research project developed the first version of the comprehensive pavement preservation guide and a web-based pavement preservation interactive tool (PPIT) for this guide that can be used by GDOT?s Office of Maintenance and seven different district offices at any time (24 hours a day and 7 days a week) and in any place. In addition, two most commonly implemented pavement preservation methods (i.e. crack sealing and fog seal), identified by GDOT, has been studied with field tests and long-term performance monitoring using 3D technology. This information has been used to evaluate the feasibility of applying fog seal to high traffic volume interstate highways and to study crack sealing effectiveness and adequate treatment timing in support of GDOT?s pavement preservation criteria and policies.

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