Poster 18-06

Review of Special Provisions and Other Conditions Placed on GDOT Projects for Imperiled Species Protection

PI: Seth Wenger


Institution(s): Georgia Southern University


Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) must frequently consult with federal and state agencies to identify measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts to imperiled aquatic organisms. Some of these measures, such as restrictions on in-water work during the reproductive season, impose substantial costs on GDOT projects. We developed an assessment of the sensitivities of the various imperiled taxa, and developed a system to provide flexibility for GDOT to employ the most effective measures for a given project, location and species. We also developed a template for a programmatic agreement that streamlined a system for evaluating GDOT projects and believe it will provide substantial cost savings for GDOT while improving outcomes for federally and state protected freshwater species.

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