Poster 18-10

GDOT RP# 18-10: Meeting the 21st Century Surveying-Geomatics Education Needs of GDOT and Georgia

PI: Roger Purcell

Co-PI(s): David Scott, Soonkie Nam and Gustavo Maldonado

Institution(s): Georgia Southern University


This research establishes ways to serve the Surveying-Geomatics (S-G) education needs of place-bound students such as Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) personnel and others. It addresses the need for personnel with a 21st Century education (knowledge and skill) in Surveying-Geomatics (S-G). Many factors including: lack of traditional student interest, lack of student preparedness, retirement-replacement issues, ever expanding technology & education materials, and post-recession demand has forced the Georgia S-G community to recognize the need for an alternative approach to Surveying-Geomatics education. Thus, this study proposes a viable solution to the lack of S-G education availability and focuses on ways to foster Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) licensure and improvements in salary and benefits for educated/licensed surveyors. The study also, includes a detailed survey based on matrix analysis of S-G knowledge/skill expectations, S-G position characterization and S-G education Subject Area coverage. The results of the survey are analyzed to support the understanding of the breadth and depth of the 21st century S-G education among the Georgia S-G community.

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