Poster 18-28

Evaluation of Brine Impact on Portland Cement Concrete (Task 4)

PI: Youngguk Seo


Institution(s): Kennesaw State University


This study presents a series of laboratory tests illustrating a long-term damage evolution in concrete saturated with brine at air temperatures. Six brine blends of CaCl2 and NaCl are formulated to test different chloride concentration levels. Multiple concrete batches are prepared to fabricate samples (4-in by 8-in cylinders) with two fly ash types (C and F) and a wide range of air contents (2.0% to 15.0%). The damage potential of concrete samples is tracked with surface resistivity measurements and compared with the results (relative dynamic modulus and weight loss of concrete) of the standard F-T tests to propose a range of optimum chloride concentrations that are less damaging to concrete pavements while offering the best melting performance.

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