Poster 19-11

Safety and Illumination of Rural and Suburban Roundabouts Phase II

PI: Michael Rodgers


Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


This project focused on establishing the relationship between the presence/absence or levels of illumination and other geometric and traffic characteristics on nighttime safety at rural and suburban roundabouts. Eighty roundabouts from 37 counties across Georgia were selected to provide a wide range of conditions in terms of illumination layout, illumination levels, number of legs, number of circulating lanes, daily entering volumes, approach speeds, etc. for field measurements of illumination levels. Urban roundabouts with significant pedestrian activity were specifically excluded. Field data collection at each site included both direct measurements of illumination levels as well as a civil site survey to verify the geometric characteristics of the roundabout and were conducted by measurement teams from Georgia Institute of Technology and Georgia Southern University. The resulting data were processed, joined, and aggregated to the individual site level and used to establish statistical relationships between observed nighttime crash rates, severity, and crash types (e.g. single vs. multiple vehicles, impaired drivers, etc.) and underlying geometric factors and measured illuminance levels. The variation in observed crash rates were modeled against known parameters of the roundabouts to develop a predictive model as to how single vehicle nighttime crash rates were impacted by illumination and other factors. As expected, multiple vehicle crashes showed no statistically significant dependence on illumination levels as the vehicles themselves, through their head- and taillights, are important contributors to nighttime visibility at the roundabout. This was not the case for single vehicle crashes. Single vehicle crashes were shown to increase for 3-leg roundabouts for illumination values less than 5 lux. No such trend was observed in either 4 or 5-leg roundabouts and these sites showed no statistically significant variation in nighttime single vehicle crash rates at any level of illumination. An overarching conclusion of the study is that there was no observed evidence of illumination values in excess of 5 lux resulting in a statistically significant reduction in nighttime crash rates for rural and suburban roundabouts. These results suggest that for rural and suburban roundabouts with no significant pedestrian volumes, illumination values significantly lower than current standards may still prove effective as a safety treatment and that, in the absence of a need to protect pedestrians or cyclists at nighttime at a particular location, a reduction in lighting levels or the use of passive retroreflective safety treatments may be a cost-effective treatment.

Please comment below with any statements or questions you may have. Also let GTI if you would be interested webinars or presentations on similar topics.


I found the object of this poster to be very interesting. I come from Italy, where there has been an rapidly increasing tendency to introduce roundabouts both in rural and peri-urban areas. My main thoughts are connected to vehicle types expected to use the roundabouts. When thinking of lighting for this kind of infrastructure, what influence does the expected presence of trucks and other voluminous vehicles have? How should lighting design account for the different driver perspectives that come into play when studying cases where these kind of vehicles are a significant portion of the traffic flow? What effect does their presence have on average headway for other categories of vehicles traveling in their proximity?

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