Poster 19-13

Coordinated Anti-congestion Control Algorithms for Diverging Diamond Interchanges

PI: Samuel Coogan

Co-PI(s): Makhin Thitsa

Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology, Mercer University


Diverging Diamond Interchanges (DDI) are a relatively new interchange design that moves traffic to the opposite side of the road at a freeway overpass. This allows vehicles to enter and exit the freeway via unimpeded left-hand turns. This project aims to develop traffic prediction and control algorithms to optimize traffic flows at Georgia?s DDIs and their adjacent intersections. Through robust data-driven methods, our team was able to develop traffic prediction algorithms for the coordinated control of the traffic flow networks around the DDIs. The algorithm?s predictions are especially valuable for signal timing optimization purposes on the days of unusual traffic trends where nominal parameters will fail to predict the future traffic flows. Our study shows that the use of the algorithm can save approximately 70 to 350 hours of delay, amounting to approximately $1,000 to $5,000 per day in travel time savings at the four intersections of the DDI in the network when flow is atypical.

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