Poster 19-27

Strategies and Resources for Strengthening the Implementation of the Construction Quality Acceptance Firm (CQAF) Model in the Innovative Project Delivery Environment

PI: Jung Hyun Lee

Co-PI(s): Baabak Ashuri, Lier Liu, Evan Mistur, and Gordon Kingsley

Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


Considering the social and economic values of high-quality transportation infrastructure in the U.S., major projects delivered using innovative project delivery require a new model to ensure effective quality management. Several State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) have adopted a new quality management system requiring the use of the developers’ construction quality acceptance firm (CQAF), also known as an independent quality firm (IQF). A better understanding is needed to develop innovative methods of conducting quality assurance (QA) in the construction engineering and inspection (CEI) industry. Therefore, this research aims to provide guidance on strengthening the QA process in the innovative project delivery environment. To identify the current state of understanding in the CQAF model compared to traditional quality management, this study conducted a combination of content analysis, survey, and follow-up interviews. The content analysis identified the major differences in the approach taken by different state DOTs and compiled the primary similarities and differences in QA between design-build (DB) and public-private partnership (P3) projects. A survey of the CEI industry provided valuable lessons for future improvement in quality management services in federal-aid design-build projects. We further consolidated our interpretation of QA topics and investigated strategies for QA at GDOT through in-depth interviews with 15 survey participants. Our findings offer a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the CQAF model and contribute to adopting the new quality assurance program and enhancing the CQAF model for current and future projects in the DB and P3 environments.

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