Poster 20-01

Real-Time Network Assessment and Updating Using Vehicle-Locating Data

PI: Iris Tien

Co-PI(s): Zachary Roberts

Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


Road infrastructure makes up a crucial component of Georgia's asset network. Throughout the state, connections link different areas to each other, providing access to employment, social, and health services, thereby stimulating economic development. Halting these services are the presence of road blockages, including vehicular accidents, debris, flooding, which limit/prohibit travel along reported routes. Real-time traffic information needs to be collected and processed to ensure timely maintenance and hazard minimization. As most past studies have focused on stationary sources for real-time network analysis1 (e.g., loop detectors and traffic cameras), this study will utilize the wider-reaching and lower operational costing mobile sources of GDOT employee vehicles. Our network analysis will draw from three sources of data provided by GDOT (seen below in Figures 1-3, respectively): Georgia Network Database, WebEOC Executive Report, and the Verizon Network Fleet Database. The Georgia Network Database consists of a series of interconnected polylines representing the midpoint of Georgia roads. The WebEOC Executive Report is a large .csv file with the state route location, incident description, and the number of lanes passable. With processing, the data is converted into a usable ArcGIS Shapefile (.shp). The GDOT Verizon Network Fleet Geodatabase is a converted .csv of GDOT vehicle tracking information, including Vehicle ID, location, time, and ignition status of the vehicle (On/Off). Vehicles will be tracked with the same IDs in increments of 2 minutes to create vehicle route segments for further analysis.

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