Poster 20-12b

Multi-Hazards Exposure, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment: Building Climate Resilience with the MHEVRA Tool

PI: Adjo Amekudzi-Kennedy


Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


Resilience building capabilities are becoming increasingly essential components of performance management systems for transportation and other infrastructure agencies. The United States? Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act incentivizes transportation and other infrastructure agencies to prioritize investments to strengthen resilience to climate-related disruptions. Developing these capabilities will enable agencies to understand better how their systems are exposed to different hazards and provide the information necessary for prioritizing their assets and systems for resilience improvement. This paper discusses an approach to resilience building to known and unknown climate-related threats and extreme events in a transportation agency. It leverages long-term climate hazard databases, spatial and statistical analyses, and non-probabilistic approaches for specific and general climate resilience improvement. The approach was developed as part of a research project to create climate resilience building capabilities for the Georgia Department of Transportation. The study highlights the importance of good multiscalar data for addressing both specific and general resilience. It also highlights the importance of infrastructure and organizational resilience in creating robust approaches to building resilience in transportation systems. The paper is of potential value to practitioners and researchers interested in developing resilience building capabilities to manage the effects of climate-related hazards and extreme events as well as unknown threats on infrastructure and organizational performance.

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