Poster 20-20

Tacit Knowledge Model to Support Knowledge Capture and Transfer in GDOT

PI: David A. Guerra-Zubiaga


Institution(s): Kennesaw State University


Experiences from contractors, vendors, and internal GDOT staffs are often time lost because there is little mechanism for capturing experiences-tacit knowledge. This was how this project provide value to GDOT organization. The research bases on the idea that knowledge is an important intangible asset of any organization. Let’s take a step back and introduce two types of knowledge: Explicit Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge. Explicit can be described with words, instructions, and guidelines while tacit is more complex not only to identify but also to organize, capture and reuse for supporting key decision making. Tacit knowledge is based on the idea that people know more than what they can verbally express. This research concentrates on Tacit Knowledge Capture and Store using the experimental software. Moreover, GDOT and Kennesaw Research team are well aware that capturing, transferring, and maintaining skilled employees and contractors' experiences is beneficial in terms of cost, efficiency, time, and efforts spend on special projects (i.e.: I-85 Bridge Collapse). The research team met with different GDOT offices, such as Office of Traffic Operations, Office of Bridge Maintenance, Bridge Construction, and Bridge Design to invent the instances (sketches, videos, patterns, and storytelling) of tacit knowledge and store them in the experimental software base on the Tacit Knowledge Model in which the KSU research team had defined previously. Tacit Knowledge Model is created based on Object Oriented Design and Programming using Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation. The team can reach its goal by (1) understanding previous GDOT knowledge management projects, (2) studying the I-85 bridge collapse case study (3) evaluating the findings and utilizing them at a specific GDOT department or area to consolidate specific benefits within that department or area via defined scenarios, (4) defining Tacit Knowledge Model and finally (4) developing a new tool with the potential of being implemented throughout the entire organization. •Keywords: Knowledge management, Tacit knowledge management, Explicit knowledge, Implicit knowledge, Tacit knowledge lifecycle, Tacit knowledge model.

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