Poster 21-05

Evaluation and Practical Assessment of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Bridge Deck Assessment

PI: Hossein Taheri

Co-PI(s): Saman Hedjazi

Institution(s): Georgia Southern University


The maintenance of transportation infrastructure relies on dependable testing methods for the evaluation of materials and components to ensure proper repair can be done where needed. Particularly, non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques are desirable in many cases to avoid destructive testing procedures, which damage the tested area. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is widely used NDT technique that operates based on electromagnetic energy principles. This project studies the possibilities and limitations of GPR for evaluating a bridge deck by assessing the following: determining slab depth, locating rebar, and finding areas of rebar corrosion and possible delamination. After evaluating the GPR scans for these parameters, cores were taken for visual inspections.

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