Poster 22-02

Field Evaluation of Wireless Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement with Steel Bridge Members

PI: Yang Wang


Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


The objective of this project is to develop and implement a long-term ultrasonic thickness measurement system on steel members of in-service bridges using the Martlet wireless ultrasonic devices. Each Martlet wireless ultrasonic sensing device consists of an ultrasonic transducer, a Martlet motherboard with wireless communication, a pulser daughterboard for pulse excitation generation, and an ultrasonic daughterboard for signal filtering and amplification. The developed system is composed of the Martlet wireless sensing devices and a gateway server connecting to a 4G LTE network. It has the ability to collect ultrasonic thickness measurement data at predefined intervals and automatically upload the data into the cloud. The system has been validated at two bridges in Georgia.

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