Poster OT-03

Solving Lab Hurdles: Solutions for UHI Pavement Experiments.

PI: Ali Keyvanfar

Co-PI(s): OT-03

Institution(s): Kennesaw State University


This research initiative offers a holistic approach to mitigating the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, combining both technological innovation and comprehensive analysis. The first phase of the study focuses on the conceptual development of 12 specialized testing chambers designed to evaluate the effectiveness of various pavements of more than 11 coating materials in UHI mitigation. These chambers replicate a range of climatic and traffic conditions, from temperature gradients to rainfall and solar absorption, for assessing the performance of different coating solutions in developing cooling pavement material. The second phase of the research employs advanced machine learning algorithms, specifically ChatGPT-based data analytics models, to conduct an in-depth network analysis of 34 key contributing factors to the UHI effect within five years of projector study. A novel concept introduced in this phase is the term "death loops," which are self-reinforcing feedback loops among contributing factors that exacerbate the UHI phenomenon. A stringent correlation threshold was applied to isolate the most impactful factors, providing targeted areas for intervention. The study also incorporates future scenario analysis, examining potential technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) and their implications for UHI mitigation. Preliminary findings suggest that effective interventions include targeting these "death loops," improving surface albedo through reflective materials, and increasing canopy cover via green infrastructure. By synergizing the technological advancements in material science from the first phase with the data-driven insights from the second phase, this research serves as a comprehensive resource for stakeholders. It not only addresses the current challenges posed by UHIs but also offers a roadmap for adapting to future technological shifts. The multidisciplinary approach ensures that the solutions are both effective and adaptable, providing invaluable guidance for urban planners, policymakers, and environmentalists in formulating long-term UHI mitigation strategies.

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