GTI News

Dr. Andrew L. Dannenberg - Emerging Issues in Transportation and Health Research: Highlights of the New NCHRP Research Roadmap for Transportation and Public Health

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Dr. Andrew L. Dannenberg to speak at the Spring 2020 Transportation Speaker series webinar. He is an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health, and in the Department of Urban Design and Planning, College of Built Environments, at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he teaches courses on healthy community design and on health impact assessment.

Josh Rowan - Delivering Atlanta’s Transportation Future

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Commissioner Josh Rowan to speak at the Spring 2020 Transportation Speaker series. He is the Commissioner of Atlanta’s Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) formed to significantly accelerate and diversify projects with better options for getting around Atlanta safely, affordably and equitably.

Dr. Yafeng Ying - On the Empty Miles in Ride-hailing Systems

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Dr. Yafeng Yin to speak at the Spring 2020 Transportation Speaker series. He is a Professor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He works in the area of transportation systems analysis and modeling, and has published more than 100 refereed papers in leading academic journals. Dr. Yin is the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Department Editor of Service Science, and Associate Editor of Transportation Science.

Dr. Laurie A. Garrow - "How National Urbanization Trends Will Affect Rural Transit Funding and “Trending Urban” Transit Systems in Georgia and the Nation after the 2020 Census”

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Dr. Laurie Garrow to speak at the Spring 2020 Transportation Speaker series. She is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Associate Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Air Mobility (CURAM) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Garrow has published articles on airline passengers' behavior, discrete choice methods, and travel demand modeling. She is the author of a text entitled Discrete Choice Models of Air Travel Demand: Theory and Application. Among her leadership Dr.


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