GTI News

Chuck Marohn - "Redesigning Cities’ Investments in Transportation Infrastructure"

On October 4, 2019 Chuck Marohn from Strong Towns will speak on redesigning cities and transportation.

Joel Leisch - "Application of Human Factors in the Design and Operation of Freeways"

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Joel Leisch to speak at the Fall 2019 Transportation Speaker series.  He has engaged in transportation and traffic engineering with an emphasis on conceptual planning, functional design, geometric design, and traffic operational studies for urban freeway corridors and other high type urban facilities for more than 50 years.  He has been responsible for the planning and design studies of more than 2,000 miles (3,000km) of freeways, toll facilities, and arterials including more than 900 interchanges and 2,000 intersections and roundabout

David Jared Retirement Farewell Reception

David Jared, Assistant Office Head, Office of Performance-based Management and Research (OPMR), will be retiring from GDOT with 25 years of service, effective October 1, 2019. David manages GDOT’s research and development program, one of the largest among state DOT’s in the U.S. He plans to work for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in Washington D.C., a part of the National Academy of Sciences.

Developing Effective GDOT Research Need Statements

On August 20th 2019, David Jared, Assistant Office Head Research Section Chief of the Office of Performance-based Management and Research, held a webinar “Developing Effective GDOT Research Need Statements”.

David discussed the significance and composition of the Research Need Statement. He reviewed the submission and approval processes and timelines. There were also tips and suggestions to optimize RNS submittals.


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