GTI News

GDOT Hosts 2015 Research Expo

On September 22, the Georgia Department of Transportation, the Georgia Transportation Institute, and NCTSPM hosted the third annual Research Expo, showcasing GDOT-funded research at Georgia universities.

GT's Amoaning-Yankson Awarded 2015 AAUW Fellowship

Recently, Georgia Tech's Stephanie Amoaning-Yankson was awarded a 2015 American Association of University Women (AAUW) doctoral fellowship

GT's Shaw and Suttner Win 2015 NSF Fellowships

Last week was a good one for first-year Ph.D. students Atiyya Shaw and Brittany Suttner.

The pair of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering students learned they’d won graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation, some of the most coveted funding for graduate students.

Georgia Tech Team Wins Georgia ITE Traffic Bowl

GTI is proud to announce that the Georgia Tech Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE) team has won the Georgia ITE (GAITE) Traffic Bowl competition. The competition, which was held on March 13, culminated in a victory over the Southern Polytechnic State University for the team, consisting of Georgia Tech graduate students James Anderson, Abhilasha Saroj, and Atiyya Shaw.


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