GTI News

GT's Alice Grossman Selected for 2015 Eno Fellowship

Recently, the Eno Center for Transportation announced its selections for fellows for the 2015 Future Leaders Development Conference. Among those chosen for this honor is Georgia Tech third year doctoral student Alice Grossman.

Creative Loafing: Will Synced Signals Improve Atlanta Traffic?

Voters in the City of Atlanta will decide in a few weeks on a $250 million bond referendum that includes, among other things, millions to sync the traffic signals across the city.

The idea is to improve flow in areas like Midtown and Downtown, where drivers can be stopped at almost every light now.

2014 GDOT/GTI Poster Session

On Tuesday, September 24, 2014, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the Georgia Transportation Institute (GTI) jointly hosted the second annual GDOT/GTI Transportation Research Poster Session.


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