Poster 18-35

Estimating ROW Acquisition Project Timelines for Major Projects based on Analyzing ROW Acquisition Processes: Phase I

PI: Baabak Ashuri


Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


Prepared in cooperation with the Georgia Department of Transportation, Office Right of Way (ROW), this research found the current state of the practice in right of way acquisition among state DOTs to identify best practices with the greatest potential to improve ROW acquisition, including: (a) the organizational structures of the office of ROW, (b) the process of using consultants and performance measurements, and (c) the best practices and strategies used to expedite ROW acquisition. The research utilized the following tasks to evaluate opportunities to estimate the ROW acquisition timeline, considering unique project features and important external factors surrounding the project environment: (a) identify important factors in setting the ROW acquisition timeline, (b) collect required data, (c) conduct data mining to evaluate opportunities to estimate the ROW acquisition timeline.

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