Poster 18-22

Full Depth Pavement Reclamation: Performance Assessment and Recommendations for Best Performance

PI: Jayhyun Kwon

Co-PI(s): Youngguk Seo, Adam Kaplan, and Jidong Yang

Institution(s): Kennesaw State University


This study investigates the influence of the variability in the FDR base layer stiffness on pavement performance. A series of field and laboratory tests were performed on a pavement reconstruction project in Georgia to assess variability. Tests included Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) tests and deflection tests with a Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). Mechanistic sensitivity analyses were performed based on the field and laboratory test results to investigate the effect of variability in FDR properties on pavement performance. The results indicate both the FDR base thickness and strength have a significant influence on the predicted pavement responses. Findings presented here will be of interest to pavement engineers involved in the design and performance modeling of FDR pavement.

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