Poster 20-13

Community-Augmented Rapid-response to Events (CARE) Integrated Crisis Communication System

PI: John E. Taylor

Co-PI(s): Neda Mohammadi

Institution(s): Georgia Institute of Technology


The objective of this project is to establish a crisis rapid-response communication system, which is augmented with location-specific social and community data, and integrated with current GDOT crisis identification and response communication processes. This will be achieved through development of a system that leverages social and community data for detecting, validating, and more effectively communicating specific routine or emergency events. The system development and integration proposed in this project aims to supplement current GDOT crisis identification and response management systems in place in terms of speed, coverage, effectiveness, efficiency, situational awareness, and inclusiveness, and support day-to-day decision making and response operations, as well as state of emergency events and long-term planning. A central focus of this specific three year project will be to examine ongoing events occurring in Georgia with augmented social and community data.

Please comment below with any statements or questions you may have. Also let GTI if you would be interested webinars or presentations on similar topics.


The integration of "alternative" sources of data such as Waze or social media platforms into disaster-response networks presents many advantages, but also challenges that might be hard to overcome. The first thing that comes to mind is the variability in user-reported data. Different users might report different aspects of a crisis in different terms, using different location key words and to different levels of precision. How would the system account for this variability? Second, but not less important, how would the verification of the reports from users occur? A validation of some sort is necessary, but to what extent? And in which way?

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