GTI News

VIDEO: Driverless cars in Georgia? GT's Dr. Mike Hunter Informs Lawmakers About Sticky Issues Ahead

A Georgia House of Representatives committee is studying what hurdles the state would face if it allowed driverless cars on roadways. Associate Professor Michael Hunter was a key witness at a hearing last week, outlining some of the engineering and traffic problems that will have to be solved if lawmakers decide to allow the autonomous vehicles.

Georgia Tech's Smith Awarded Sloan Program Scholarship

NCTSPM is pleased to announce the selection of a Georgia Tech graduate student to receive the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority Ph.D. Program Scholarship.

How Small, Cheap, Solar-Powered Sensors Could Change the Game for Bridge Inspections

It often takes a basket lift, hammers and chisels, and lots of safety equipment when a work crew inspects one of the nation’s 600,000 bridges.

The federal government requires such analyses every two years for each of those spans, a costly and time-consuming endeavor.

But what if we could install sensors that would deliver data wirelessly on a bridge’s condition, allowing transportation engineers to monitor its health all the time?


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